There are six types of creatine , a naturally-produced molecule similar to an amino acid. it is also available as a dietary supplement. most research recommend monohydrate and supports its safety over other types.
– one of the most widely smoleculetudied supplements in the world.
– Your body naturally produces the . which serve the variety of important functions, including energy production.
– In addition , some food contain creatine , particularly meat.
– Despite the presence of these two natural sources, consuming it is a dietry supplement can increase your body stores.
– This can improve exercise performance and may help combat disease.
What Is Creatine?
– is a molecular that similar in structure to amino acids, the building blocks of protein.
– because meat is a primary dietary source of creatine, vegetarians typically have lower amounts of it their bodies that non-vegetarians.
– but even not for vegetarians consuming it is a dietary supplement can increase muscle creatine content by up to 40%.
– it is use as dietary supplement has been extensively studied for many years , and its consumed worldwide.
– its effects include improved exercise performance and musculoskeletal health, as well as potential benefits for brain health.
How Does It Work?
– , in the form of creatine phosphate, plays a critical role in cellular energy production.
– That’s because it’s involved in the formation of adenosine triphosphate (ATP), which is a major source of cellular energy.
– There strong evidence that these supplements can improve exercise performance.
– Some research has found that they may increase strength gains from a weight training program by about 10% on average.
– Others have stated that improvements in strength are about 5%for chest exercise like bench press and about 8% for leg exercise like squats.
– Overall , exercise scientists widely agree that supplementing with creatine can improving strength & power production, or how much force can be produced in a creatine amount of time.
– Also, researchers have found that taking creatine may reduce mental fatigue.
1. Monohydrate
– The most common supplement from is monohydrate. this is the form that has been used in the majority of research on the topic.
– This means that most of creatine’s beneficial effects, such as improved upper and lower body exercise performance, have been observed almost exclusively when creatine monohydrate was used.
– This form is made of creatine molecule and water molecule and a water molecule, though it can be processed of in a few ways. sometimes, the molecule is removed, resulting in creatine anhydrous.
– The removal of water increase the amount of in each dose. creatine anhydrous is 100% creatine by weight, whereas the monohydrate form is about 90% creatine by weight.
– Other times, the is micronized or mechanically processed to improve water solubility in theory , better water solubility could improve your body’s to absorb it.
– despite these minor differences in processing, each of these forms is probably equally effective when equal doses are given.
– in addition to increasing strength, monohydrate can increase water content in muscle cells. this may lead to beneficial effects on muscles growth by sending signals related to cell swelling.
– fortunately , a large amount of research indicates that creatine is safe to consume, and no serious side effects have been reported with its use.
– because it’s safe, effective and affordable, monohydrate has long been the gold standard for this supplement.
2. Ethyl Ester
– Some manufactures claim that creatine ethyl ester is superior to other forms of the supplement, including the monohydrate form.
– Some evidence indicates it may be better absorbed than monohydrate in the body.
– Additionally due to differences in muscles uptake rates, some believe that it could outperform creatine monohydrate.
– However, one study directly comparing the two found that it was worse at increasing creatine content in the blood and muscles.
– because of this, using the ethyl ester form is not recommended.
3. Hydrochloride
– (HCI) has gained considerable popularity with some manufactures and supplement users.
– Initial excitement about it was probably due to reports of its superior solubility.
– Because of its superior solubility in water, it’s speculated that a lower dose can be used. reducing relatively common side effects like an upset stomach.
– However, this theory is only speculation until it is tested.
– One study found that creatine HCI was 38 times more soluble than the monohydrate form.
– But unfortunately, there are no published experiments HCI humans.
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